Learning Assistants and Student Assistants

There are two types of positions for students:

  • Learning assistants are usually in contact with students during learning activities and require LAOS.
  • Teaching assistants can be used for tasks that are not as directly tied to learning activities and direct contact with students.

Both are normally hired for 80-120 hours per semester, on a fixed or timely basis. Note the differences below.

Learning Assistants

From Lokal lønnspolitikk for NTNU:

"Læringsassistentene har en omfattende og fleksibel funksjon der de bevisstgjør studentene på egen læring, og driver undervisning og veiledning i samarbeid med faste faglærere. Eksempelvis vil læringsassistentene hovedsakelig ha oppgaver relatert til veiledning, gruppeledelse (herunder øvinger, kollokvier og seminarer) og evaluering. De skal ikke pålegges selvstendige forelesninger."

Some clarifications:

  • Faglærer er ansvarlig for å vurdere alle deler som inngår i karaktergrunnlaget. Obligatoriske arbeidskrav, for eksempel øvinger, kan godkjennes av andre.
  • Når det gjelder tellende deler kan læringsassistenter gå gjennom disse og foreslå en vurdering, men faglærer må se over forslaget og gjøre en endelig vurdering.


Læringsassistenter må ta LAOS. Som faglærer krever det at du fasiliterer deler av LAOS-opplæringen. Les mer om det via linken over.

Student Assistants

From Lokal lønnspolitikk for NTNU:

"Studentassistenter brukes som betegnelse på assistentstillinger med mer variabelt innhold enn læringsassistentstillingene, og der virksomheten i mindre grad er knyttet til den fast organiserte undervisning, veiledning og lignende."

Recruitment Process

The process of recruitment and employment of the students differs slightly between the two campuses. Please see the contact details below, for questions related to the process for courses at your campus.

Please keep to the deadlines given during the process. That way we can ensure that the recruitment and employment goes as smoothly as it can for all parts.

In short, this is the procedure:

  • Demands for assistants are requested by the administrative contacts, mid-semester.
  • Demands are reported to the IE Faculty within a deadline.
  • All open positions are announced by the IE Faculty, with a deadline for the students to apply.
  • Administrative contacts get the overview of applicants after the application deadline.
  • Responsible teachers are given access to the official database for application, where they must rate their applicants.
  • Administrative contacts send offers to the students, according to the rating list.
  • Students have a 2 week deadline to accept or decline offers.
  • Teachers will receive information about the final list of employed assistants.

In many cases, there are also need to keep in touch during this process for several reasons.

Administrative contacts