Course coordinator

See also NTNU's guide for course coordinators on innsida.

Phase 1: The year before

Course revision

Revise the course description

Course scheduling

Register course schedule data and control the tentative timetable.

Phase 2: Before the semester starts

Course room on Blackboard

Publish some information about the course on Blackboard. Post at least an announcement about the first lecture.

Phase 3: During the semester

Reference groups

Reference groups are mandatory at IIK.

Compulsory activities

Approve compulsory activities, if any, within 14 days before the exam or the last submission deadline in the course.

Phase 4: Concluding the semester

Delivering the course report
  1. Log into Kasper
  2. Click on Emneevaluering
  3. Under "Verktøy for emneevaluering", click on "Skrive Emnerapport".
  4. A page opens Mine emnerapporter
  5. Select the correct semester in the tab, and you should see the courses. (The table may be a little slow to load.)
  6. Click on a course, and a form for the course report should open.
  7. Fill out the course report.
  8. At the bottom of the page, find the button "Publiser rapport"

Phase 5: After the semester

Re-sit exams

A re-sit exam is arranged in August (unless otherwise specified in the course description) in all courses with a final exam if at least one student has registered for the exam.

Other Stuff